Monday, August 03, 2015

What's Your Latest Efforts in Evangelism?

Like prayer and several other things, I always feel like I don't do enough when it comes to evangelism.  However, I am constantly looking for ways to get the gospel truth into the lives of the people I come into contact with, from the congregation in a public worship service to the individual sitting in the parking garage ticket booth.  When it comes to public proclamation, that's an easy one to witness.  Just come to a Malta Baptist Church worship service.  But what is not so easy for you to see is personal evangelism.  I'll simply list some of the kinds of things I do.  If you would like to talk more about evangelism, don't hesitate to contact me.
  • When having conversations, I try to steer the talk to spiritual things (hoping for the opportunity for the gospel).  This goes for total strangers and people I am getting to know.
  • I ask direct questions about their spiritual life.  Don't be afraid to ask people, the majority of people really don't mind you asking.  For example, ask, "Who do you say that Jesus is?"  It's simple and direct.
  • I wear an explicit Gospel shirt in a hostile, public place.  For example, in downtown Montreal I wore a shirt that says (in French), "I choose to follow Jesus."  Jesus is worth taking some risks.
  • I tell the parking garage ticket booth workers that Jesus loves them.  It always makes them smile.  Sometimes I have time for a follow up comment.  I at least want to get people thinking about Jesus.
  • I constantly read up on evangelism, always looking for ways to improve.  My friend Jason just sent me a small book dealing with evangelism, for which I am very grateful.  I'm definitely not perfect, and I miss a lot of opportunities.  I ask God's forgiveness and strive to do better.
  • Sometimes, when talking isn't possible, I leave a gospel tract or a magazine like Home Life or Mature Living that has a presentation of the gospel in it.
  • I try to maintain a genuine, consistent witness on Facebook. (I just love it when people post something about loving Jesus, and the next post they're cussing someone out...not!)
  • I pray for wisdom, guidance, and opportunities to share the gospel.
Remember, success in evangelism isn't defined by leading a person to Christ (although that is the best and hopeful outcome).  Success in evangelism is sharing the biblical gospel.  Over the past few weeks, I have been teaching the faithful at Malta about missions, practical evangelism, and practical discipleship.  My prayer is that we become a community of Christians constantly developing a culture of evangelism, which will in turn lead to worship of Jesus Christ.

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