Sunday, January 06, 2013

A Note of Encouragement

On Sunday, January 6, 1850, Charles Spurgeon became a born-again believer in Jesus Christ at the age of 15.  A blizzard hit England at that time, and young Spurgeon couldn't get to the church he usually attended.  Instead, he was able to get to a small Methodist church, where he found only a few people huddled around the stove to keep warm.  There was no preacher that night.  One of the men there began to read from the Bible and kept repeating Isaiah 45:22: "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth."  At one point the man pointed at Spurgeon and said, "Look, young man!  Look!  Look to Christ!"  Spurgeon did look to Christ, and he was saved that very night.  He went home rejoicing.
I'd like to encourage those churches with 15-20 people (or less) showing up each Sunday.  Keep going!  Stay faithful!  You never know the kind of impact you might really have.
Spurgeon went on the preach to multiple thousands each week.  He is known as the Prince of Preachers.  It all boils down to a tiny church who was able to point him to Christ.

1 comment:

Connie Pinkham said...

numbers mean nothing to Him...I agree !!