These are unfriendly times. I've noticed that people generally won't wave back at you if you wave at them.
A couple of weeks ago, my co-worker Wes and I drove around the seminary grounds waving at people. Most didn't wave back. We were like, "What is the deal?" We got a lot of blank stares as if what we were doing were a strange thing. Maybe it is strange here in the great state of Texas. Wes and I represent Arkansas and Georgia, where people still wave to one another and are generally friendly towards one another.
I've spent the last six months living with Josh and Dean in a house that Dean just sold. During that time I tried my very best to get to know our next door neighbor. Everytime I saw him outside, I would either wave or speak to him. I never once got a response from him. I never even got an acknowledgement. I might as well not have been there.
I remember riding around with my friend and ex-roommate, Jared Pickard, and he would get so mad when someone in his neighborhood wouldn't wave back at him.
Now I somewhat understand if people of the world refuse to wave, but when people in the church aren't friendly then there's a big problem. I'm telling you, it happens and it shouldn't. Unfriendliness in the church is akin to walking into a bakery and asking for a loaf of bread, only to hear the guy behind the counter ask, "What is this bread you speak of?" It just makes no sense.
Okay, there's my rant for today. Have you experienced this or am I the only one?
*It should be noted that I know a lot of friendly people. I'm just commenting on something I've noticed as of late.
Are you sure it has to do with being in Texas, or...being on the Seminary grounds?
Just checking. :o)
Tim *waves hello*
Probably just the seminary grounds. :)
Hey-Unfriendly is right! People could care about your around this place! I have a saying you know you belong if your missed - since no one acknowledges me any how how can they miss me??? Weird place-Seminary-where alot of Christians congregate to be so busy no one can reach out - take a lesson from that there telephone commercial- REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOME ONE - and don't forget to give instead of just take PEOPLE!! WAVE & SMILE!!
Hi Bob,
Hope I waved at you the last time I saw you!! :)
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