Monday, May 29, 2006

This May...14 Things Remembered

These are the things I've done this May...

1. Turned 25
2. Took three weeks of I-term classes
3. Saw the Yankees beat the Rangers in Arlington
4. Bought a baseball glove
5. Enjoyed a picnic with my church group
6. Went swimming twice
7. Played sand volleyball
8. Had a visit from Jason
9. Phone rang off the hook all month
10. Received cookies from Kat
11. Read five books
12. Worked on Saturdays
13. Saw X-Men 3
14. Visited Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

1 comment:

Tim Dahl said...


I'm back. We're doing VBS next week, which leaves me open for lunch or breakfast on almost any day. Let me know you schedule.
