Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dealing with Depression

When Mr. Toad was down and depressed in prison, the jailer's daughter had pity on him and sought to take care of him.  Having procured her father's permission (which is always a good idea), she knew exactly how to revive Toad's spirit--feed him.
Following a mighty victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah ran fearing Jezebel's wrath.  He had been high on the mountain top.  Now he was passing through the valley of the shadow of death.  In fact, he laid down hoping to die.  God could have taken his life, but He had something else in mind--He fed him.  Then he fed him again and gave him a fresh vision and reason for living.  Elijah's spirit was revived, and he went on to serve the Lord faithfully.
When King Saul was campaigning against the Philistines, part of his strategy was to not allow his soldiers to eat until they accomplished something.  Spirits were low.  Prince Jonathan, not aware of Saul's command, allowed his men to eat, and they rallied to victory.
Look, I'm not a doctor, and the advice I'm about to give certainly doesn't solve all types of depression.  However, there is a kind of depression that can be overcome in the simplest of ways--by having something good to eat.  Most of the time when we are down and out, we don't feel like eating.  However, that may just do the trick.  If I may add to that, don't eat alone.  We are made for companionship.  Find a good friend, and enjoy the company that you thought you didn't need.

Recommended Reading
1 Samuel 14
1 Kings 19
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham

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