Sunday, June 16, 2013


How wonderful it is to know Christ doesn't call perfect men.  It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, Christ wants to come into your life.  He wants you!  He will save you and make you clean.
He'll use you, no matter what your talent might be.  God can use you if you will let Him.  Even if you feel like you have no talent, God can use you.
He won't have us all doing the same thing because we do not all have the same gift.
Jesus calls all sorts of people to follow Him: fishermen, doctors, tax collectors, mechanics, comedians, pilots, secretaries, administrators, teachers, masons, bankers, carpenters, landscapers, weathermen, farmers...ordinary men.  Jesus makes the ordinary extraordinary!


Jason B said...

As our pastor recently put one is on second string. Everyone is needed. An architect doing God's work is in no way lower than an ordained minister doing God's work. Everyone is called differently and every calling is important... In my own words, thank God most pastors don't double as architects.

Unknown said...

Well said, Jason!