I have a new hobby. I've become interested in writing on parchment by dipping a fountain pen in a bottle of ink, like in the old days. I have had so much fun with it so far, and I look forward to getting better at it. I have a couple different tips for my pen. Maybe one day I'll make some illuminated manuscripts.
A couple of weeks ago, a SWBTS landscaper was bitten by a "sickly" squirrel. My co-workers (Bryan and Todd) and I were monitoring the radio when the SWBTS Physical Plant secretary made the call to security. We couldn't believe it. How do you get bitten by a squirrel?! Here's the deal, the guy thought that the squirrel was dead, so when he reached to pick it up, it surprised him by being alive. It bit him! My question is this: Why was this guy trying to pick up a dead animal with his hands in the first place? They ended up checking him out medically, and they were going to test the squirrel last I heard.
Did you know that you can't quote yourself? What I mean is this: I can't write a paper and then use some of the same material, my own words, in another document. SWBTS considers this plagiarism. I consider it dumb.
Amy and I went to a Dallas Stars game tonight, where we sat in a Platinum Club Box. Our seats were at the center line. They were fantastic! The game was for the most part uneventful. There were no real fights. There were a couple of close calls, but the refs were always there to stop them. Also, for the majority of the game, the Stars were down. However, in the final minutes of the third period, the ice heated up with goals. The Stars were down 3-1. They scored two goals to tie. Chicago scored a pair to make it 5-3. Then all of a sudden, the Stars scored three goals in a row to win the game with about 40 seconds remaining. The American Airlines Center was roaring. Oh the excitement!
PLAGIARISM is silly when someone is so silly as to not cite someone's work
PLAGIARISM is silly when someone is so silly as to not cite someone's work
oops, did i just plagiarise my self...i'm goin' to jail...:(
Ha! just cite yourself in the bibliography ;) ie:) my brain, 200?
btw procrastinating is fun it brings out the creative person in you /sarcasm
In essence, my new hobby is to take craps on fine china plates and then use the aforementioned poop to make reproductions of Edvard Munch's "the Scream". When this task is complete, I dress up like Lucy from Charlie Brown and listen to dryer's turn while they are filled with bags full of buffalo nickels. However, this hobby is never going to be as lame as writing with quill on parchment.
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