Friday, March 17, 2006

Adventures in San Antonio: Day Five

Another great day! Sleep and reading made up the first part of the day. Then Jason's friend, Christine, came over and the three of us had a good time discussing life. After a while we went to Border's and Barnes and Noble to spend some more time in the book stores. Book stores are wonderful by the way. We also made a trip to Old Navy for Jason to get a St. Patrick's Day shirt and to Target for me to get mine. Christine also bought some stuff and both places, but I can't remember what they were.

Tonight was Bible Study night for the college group at UUMC, so that's where we went next. We had an awesome time singing, studying the Word, and praying together. They are such a great group...Jason has some great friends, and it was fun meeting them.

Afterwards, we (me, Jason, Lauren, Kara, Brian, and Christine) headed over to Double Daves Pizza for some supper. This is also Adam's workplace, and since he was working, we got a 20% discount. Hooray for Adam! The pizza rolls were fantastic...definitely the best I've ever had! The fellowship of friends was good too. I really enjoyed chatting with Brian about the NCAA tournament and Da Spurs.

Ice Age was next on the agenda. We met back at Jason's to watch the movie. It was my first time seeing it, as well as Kara's, and I have to say it was very funny.

Don't forget, "It's St. Patty's Day, everyone's Irish today."

1 comment:

Andrew said...

St. Pat's! Whoo!