Sunday, April 30, 2017

April Reading

  1. 1 Peter: Message of Encouragement - John H. McClanahan
  2. The NIV Application Commentary: 1 Peter - Scot McKnight
  3. Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
  4. The Most Reluctant Convert - David C. Downing
  5. C. S. Lewis: Images of His World - Douglas Gilbert & Clyde S. Kilby
  6. Letters of C. S. Lewis - W. H. Lewis & Walter Hooper (editors)
  7. Reading Spenser: An Introduction to The Faerie Queene - Roger Sale
  8. Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
  9. Jane Austen - Peter Leithart
  10. Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings - C. S. Lewis
  11. Lilith - George MacDonald
  12. Spirits in Bondage - C. S. Lewis
  13. Spenser's Images of Life - C. S. Lewis with Alastair Fowler

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Soon after ribbons of flesh hung from His back
The regal color purple quickly fades to black
The Son of Man bearing our sin on the cross
The Son of God awfully redeeming our loss
God, forgive us for what we put You through
God, we praise You for making all things new
In Christ, our hope, our joy, our all-in-all
Because of the Resurrection, reverséd is the Fall
Once in a garden Father Adam sealed our fate
An empty garden tomb now provides a new slate
Up from the grave, He arose, He arose
When He'll be back? Truly, God only knows
Dear sinner, repent, cease your struggle and fight
Surrender yourself to Heaven, you may be there tonight