2. Teaching Christianity (De Doctrina Christiana) - Augustine
3. Virtue and Vice: A Dictionary of the Good Life - C. S. Lewis
4. The Oxford Inklings - Colin Duriez
5. Chilvalry: The Path of Love - Jeremy Catto
6. The Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan
7. A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War - Joseph Loconte
8. Devotional Talks on Everyday Objects - Robert J. Hastings
9. On Stories and Other Essays on Literature - C. S. Lewis
10. Prince Caspian - C. S. Lewis
11. Discussing Mere Christianity - Devin Brown
12. The Divine Comedy I: Hell - Dante (translated by Dorothy L. Sayers)
13. The Man Who Was Thursday - G. K. Chesterton