Friday, July 31, 2015

What Is Your Spiritual Disciplines Strategy?

After 21 years of being a Christian, and after reading many books dealing with spiritual disciplines, my conclusion is this: you just have to do it.

Although I could talk about several other spiritual disciplines, I will limit this brief answer to Prayer and Bible Reading.

I've used all sorts of helpful methods for prayer, but because I have a disposition for variety, I keep changing and modifying my methods. After all, my relationship with Christ is constantly changing and developing, then why should my prayer life not continue to change and develop?

When I first became a Christian, it was stressed to me to have a set time and place for a "quiet time" or a time of devotion to God, and that was very helpful. However, I soon learned that I need to pray more than just once a day or at a certain time each day. The Apostle Paul instructs us to "pray without ceasing." By all means, use whatever method, strategy, outline, etc. that you find helpful and biblically sound, but by all means do it.

Bible Reading
I received a Ryrie Study Bible for Christmas in 1995. That began my regular Bible reading. I think it took me 4-5 years to read through it the first time. Since then, I've tried to have more disciplined approach to reading through the Bible. The one year reading plans are very helpful in this regard. I've made it my goal to read through the Bible once a year. Sometimes I'm slower than that, and sometimes I'm faster. But again, like prayer, whatever method or approach you use, the most important thing is that you are learning what God has said in His Word. Don't just read it; study it, meditate on it, hear it, and practice it.

So do it. One of the saddest things I encounter as a pastor is Christians who simply will not read their Bibles and will not pray. My advice is to do it. Do it when on good days and bad days. Do it when you feel like and when you don't. Commit yourself to it today.

Nothing encourages me more as a pastor than to hear people at church telling me about what they read in the Bible that week, or how they have been praying. Nothing thrills me more than when they share how Christ has used it to change their lives.

So do it. One warning though...if you decide to commit to praying regularly or reading your Bible, just know that you will encounter all sorts of potential distractions. As a husband and father of three, I know very well how crazy life can get. Distractions will come. Push through them. Don't make excuses. Sacrifice everything to spending time with your Heavenly Father. He certainly deserves it, and you need Him.

What Is Your Baptism Experience?

After going "all in" for Jesus in 1994, I approached my pastor and let him know that I had become a Christian. The next step was my baptism. After giving me a Survival Kit (which Lifeway still stocks, although in a different form), Bro. Jerry Pickard of Northside Baptist Church in Milledgeville, GA talked with me, met with me, and helped me to begin the discipleship process. Soon the baptism date was set for a Sunday night. I can remember telling many people that I had become a Christian (including teachers at school, I was in the 7th grade). One teacher, Mr. Charles Puckett, my English teacher, was excited with me. Although he couldn't stay for the baptism itself, he did stop by the church just prior to the service beginning. He met with me in the back of the sanctuary, and gave me a cross. He said someone gave it to him when he was baptized and was told to pass it on when the time was right. Then then instructed me to do the same when someone else was baptized.

I was led through the choir practice room, through a door, and into the baptistry. It was there that Bro. Jerry baptized me, and I publicly declared to all who were watching and listening that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I identified myself with Jesus's death and burial. His death is my death. I also identified myself with Jesus' resurrection. His life is my life.

Baptism doesn't save you, but it is the first biblical step of obedience once you become a Christian.

When and where were you baptized as a believer?
If you have repented of your sins and trusted Christ in faith to save you and be your Lord, but you haven't been baptized, come talk to me.

What Is Your Conversion Experience?

In the years leading up to being teenager, I thought I was a pretty good kid. I didn't do the things bad kids do, I made good grades in school, and I played sports. Life was good. Or so I thought.

In 1993, God saw to it that I was on the same baseball team as the son of a local pastor. Through conversation with my parents, Dr. Jerry Pickard of Northside Baptist Church invited my family to come to church, and my younger sister Paula was invited to VBS. Paula became a Christian at that VBS, which meant that we all would be going to church again. (We had stopped attending church anywhere for a while for whatever reason.)

It was through the faithful witness of people like Bro. Jerry, Mrs. Sink, and Mrs. Agee that I really began to hear the truth of the gospel for the first time in my life. I remember being shown a cartoon presentation of the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus that greatly impacted me and got me thinking about things. It was the first time I knew all that about Jesus.

The next winter, I was able to go with the youth group to the Youth Evangelism Conference in Macon, Georgia. My dad went along, too. I can remember so vividly sitting under conviction in one of the floor chairs in the Coliseum. The speaker was clearly presenting the gospel to us all, and he was calling for a response. The Holy Spirit was definitely tugging at my heart. I guess my dad could sense my inner struggle. He leaned over and said, "I'll go with you if you need to go." I, tormented within, shook my head and said, "No." I knew I was supposed to go talk to one of the counselors about becoming a Christian, about surrendering my life to Christ as Lord and Savior of my life, but I said no.

The next two or three months were miserable for me. Every Sunday morning and Sunday night as Bro. Jerry preached faithfully the Word of God, he would always include the gospel. And I would always feel terrible. Now what was I to do?
I'll tell you what I did. After church one Sunday night, as our family was getting settled in for the night at home, I got down on my knees in my bedroom and surrendered to Jesus. The Hound of Heaven had caught up with His query. And as I shared a couple of Sundays ago, in 1994 (just shy of my 13th birthday) I went "all in" for Jesus.

At that moment in my room, I experienced a great sense of peace and joy. The next day I began sharing with my mom and dad what happened. I was able to talk to Bro. Jerry about it on the following Wednesday. He gave me a Survival Kit book and told me to complete it, bring it back, and then we could talk about baptism. It was an exciting time. The Lord put all sorts of people in my life to teach me how to live life as a Christian: Jerry Pickard, Carol Agee, Tony Agee, Wayne Gatliff, Darrell Brantley, Janie Dunn, Beverly Waddell, Jason Baird, Angie Hartley, Terry Cliett, and Tim Oliver to name a few. Some of the best things for me were the Youth Retreats and Youth Camps that I went to at Norman Park (near Tifton, GA) and Crawfordville, GA.

I'm so thankful that Christ saved me, and that He brought me out go the darkness and into the light. Serving Jesus is the greatest joy! Am I perfect? Of course not! But imagine how I would be without Christ. I shudder to think it.
I'd love to hear your conversion story!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July Reading List

  • Saving the President: What If Lincoln Had Lived? - Barbara Brenner
  • Bedeviled: Lewis, Tolkien, and the Shadow of Evil - Colin Duriez*
  • Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals - Trevin Wax*
  • Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide - Lenny Luchetti*
  • Killing Jesus - Stephen Mansfield*
  • A Plain Account of Christian Perfection - John Wesley
*recommended reading

Monday, July 27, 2015

Not So Dearly Departed

"And he departed with no one's regret." -2 Chronicles 21:20 (ESV)

Such is the testimony about Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah.  He became king when he was 32 years old.  He was 40 years old when he died.  He died from an incurable bowel disease, which was in reality a judgment from God because Jehoram led the people of Judah into gross idolatry.  If that wasn't bad enough, the people didn't like him.  I'm sure he was a tyrant, along the line s of Herod the Great.  (Herod had arranged for many people to be executed when he died so that the people would be sure to mourn on the day of his death.)  When Jehoram died, "the people made no fire in his honor," nor did they bury him "in the tombs of the kings" (2 Chronicles 21:19-20).  They were glad to see him go.

What about you?  What will people say about you after you're gone?  Will they miss you?  Have you become offensively odious to all around you?  Will you die with no one's regret?

If you answer "no" to that last question, then fantastic!  What a blessing to have that knowledge!

If you answer "yes," don't panic just yet.  There is hope for you.  Don't make the same mistakes that Jehoram made.  Let me urge you, with whatever time you have left on earth (only God knows), to reverse the curse that you have become.  Instead of demanding the sun, moon, and stars, be a generous giver.  Invest in the lives of the people around you.  Give them your time and genuine care.  Do what is right.  Don't even give the appearance of evil.  Sure, people will be extremely skeptical for a while, but in time, if you persevere in doing what is good, you will prove your sincerity.  One more thing--you can't do it alone.  Ask God to forgive you for all those years of rebellion against Him.  Then ask those you have offended for forgiveness.  It's a tough step, but its worth can't be measured.  Then ask God to change you into a person who will be greatly missed when it's your time to die.

God help us all!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Seek the Lord

"And he did evil, for he did not set his heart to seek the Lord." -2 Chronicles 12:14 (ESV)

Such is the testimony about Rehoboam, son of Solomon, King of Judah.
Because he turned his heart away from the Lord, he did evil.
Bad choice after bad choice.
He refused to listen to wise counsel.
The results were devastating--personally and nationally.

Seek the Lord.
Love Him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Pray for wisdom.
Live accordingly.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

He Is Good

"For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever."  2 Chronicles 5:13

That's a song (or at least part of a song).  It was a song of praise to God in the Temple in Jerusalem.  It was sung in unison by the Levitical singers.  There were trumpets, cymbals, and other various instruments to accompany this song of thanksgiving and praise.
What was the occasion?  The Ark of the Covenant had finally come home to the Inner Sanctuary, in the Most Holy Place.  What happened in this special worship service?  The glory of the Lord filled the house.  God is so awesome that the priests had to stop ministering, and simply behold and worship.

He is God.
He is good.
He is rock-steady.
He is love.
He endures.
He is forever.

He is the good God who never changes; His love never ends.

Monday, July 20, 2015

What Will You Be Remembered For?

"Now Solomon purposed to build a temple for the name of the Lord..." 2 Chronicles 2:1 ESV

What have you purposed to do for the name of the Lord?  What will you most likely be remembered for?  (If you don't think you can answer that, then find an honest friend.  If you can't find an honest friend, an enemy will be sure to let you know.)  Now ask yourself, does that thing for which you will be remembered please and honor the Lord?  Does it speak of your commitment to Christ?  If not, then begin today, with the Lord's help, to make the necessary changes.  What do you purpose to do with your life?

Friday, July 03, 2015

June Reading

  • 7 Practices of Effective Ministry - Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, & Lane Jones
  • The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien*
  • Why God Won't Go Away - Alister McGrath*
  • Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution - Michael Behe*
  • The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Matthew 16-23 - John MacArthur
  • Twelve Ordinary Men - John MacArthur*
  • Four Faultless Felons - G. K. Chesterton
*recommended reading