My friend, Mike Nelson, wrote this poem about the atonement of Jesus Christ. I'd like to share it with you.There is a place I want to go,
but an obstacle I have encountered.
It is my sins that are blocking my path,
and preventing me from going any farther.
I can see the light of heaven,
but how can I possibly span this great divide?
So I wandered hopelessly through the darkness,
looking for anything that might provide,
a means of somehow traversing my sins,
so that I could get to the other side.
I tried everything that man could think of,
but these all failed to get me across.
Then I came upon a narrow bridge,
its shape in the form of a cross.
At its entrance hung a very large sign,
addressed simply to "The Lost."
So I approached the sign with caution,
and slowly began to read.
It said, "Although His holiness demands judgment,
His love desires to set all sinners free.
So be careful not to slip or stumble,
on the blood that you will see.
For it is the price that had to be paid,
to make atonement for you and me.
Forgiveness awaits all those who enter,
but to enter you must first believe,
in the one who shed this righteous blood,
so that divine satisfaction could be achieved.
For this bridge stands as the Holy testament,
to what God has so graciously done.
For He has reconciled a world of sin,
through the sacrifice of His Son.
His holiness and love collided,
at this bridge called Calvary.
There is no greater act of kindness,
that mankind will ever see.
So please step forward and put your faith,
in the one who gives us the victory.
For the blood that purchased this bridge to heaven,
came from Jesus of Galilee.“
So I opened my heart and invited Him in,
and off across the bridge I went,
with the blood He shed cleansing my sin,
and to me His righteousness being sent.
Now I serve as His disciple,
helping others to know what it meant,
for God the Son to come to earth,
in the form of a humble servant.
His sinless body they did slay,
but not without His consent,
and not because He deserved to suffer,
for innocence need not to repent.
But in our place He willingly died,
so the Father is now content,
to forgive all those who believe,
of the sins that they commit.
© 2006 Michael T. Nelson