Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I Love the Ryals


His wife, Leslie

And his brother, Jacob

Dodgeball Pictures


If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad.

Monday, February 27, 2006

C3 Series Cup Goes to College...Again

For the third straight time, the Graduates and Careers group at Wedgwood has managed to lose to the College group in the C3 Cup Series. The very first competition was sand volleyball, which took place at TCU last year. The College put up quite a fight for a while, but lost miserably to the G & C, who took home the cup. However, the two following competitions, C3 Bowling and C3 Softball, went to the College group. Friday night, the G & C went down again to the College in kickball and dodgeball, allowing the College* to keep the cup yet again. The sad part of it all is that the G & C chose the games this time, and still lost. One College student is reported as saying, "Next time you guys pick a game, pick one you can win at." Well, that is their hope as they continue to chase down the C3 Cup.

*It should be noted that half of the College Team was made up of G & C members. Next time, College should show up!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Mafia is Taboo

I have to give props to the wonderful people over at the Wonder House: Kristen, Dana, and Kristi. For the past two Sunday nights, a group has gotten together for food, fun, and fellowship. This past Friday night, an official game night was planned, a crowd showed up, and we had a blast. A few games were going on simultaneously for a while like Sequence and Nerts (Super Dave said that Nerts was "dumb" and Russell said, "What'n the world?"). Then we all played Mafia, and Egbert did an excellent job at keeping the story line going. 'Twas hilarious! I was killed in both rounds as a citizen. Dean was in the Mafia in the second round, along with Dusty. Dean killed off his two roommates, me and Josh; and Dusty killed off his roommate, Super Dave. Then came the wonderful world of Taboo! This game is so much fun. We weren't that good at it, but we laughed a lot. So if you ever get a chance to visit to Wonder House, go! As Russell would say, "That's right!"